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Moses on the Move by Barbara Kimenye

Original price was: KSh544.00.Current price is: KSh490.00.

It’s half-term. Most of the boys at Mukibi’s Educational Institute for the Sons of African Gentlemen are going home for the holiday, but Moses and King Kong have a better plan. Why not sneak off and spend the weekend in Tororo, the nearby town, and have some fun by themselves while the staff think they’re at home and their families think they are at school? It’s a great idea, but, as so often happens with the two friends’ great ideas, things tend to go a bit wrong. First of all they meet Finito, a seedy-looking old man, but he’s in a remarkably interesting line of business, and he offers the boys a well-paying job. It isn’t really their fault that Finito shortly finds his business in ruins and himself on the run from the police. The boys too have their own problems: Mr Karanja, the school’s deputy headmaster, is hot on their trait

ISBN: 9780195738568


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